Prayer of Jabez (Bill Jackson)

WEEKEND OF June 23  (K614)

Even though there are only a few Bible verses about Jabez, Bill explains how they provide a model for people to pray and serve God.

Life Can Be Better (Gerald & Cindy Whitehead)

WEEKEND OF June 16  (K635)

Gerald shares about his dysfunctional home life.  He had a lot of questions about God that he had to work through. Cindy shares how friends and a close walk with God gives us a better and rewarding life.

Missing Something (Doris Greyeyes)

WEEKEND OF June 9  (K715)

Doris shares about her experiences in residential school as a youth and her work career as an adult. When Doris accepted Christ as her Saviour later in life, she understood how God arranged her experiences to be used for His glory now.

Christian Love In Action (Gavin Howell & Melodie Greyeyes)

WEEKEND OF June 2  (K714)

Melodie knew about God but not about Jesus. The change for her started with a carpool, and that led to an Alpha program which affected them both. As God became real to them, their journey included YWAM and a short term ministry trip overseas.

Hope Found (Dwayne Flamand)

WEEKEND OF May 26  (K713)

Dwayne shares how walking into a church changed his life, and how he found hope and forgiveness. His experience helped him launch into a ministry of reconciliation.